
Rick Parker is an American artist and humor writer best known for his work in comics as the artist of MTV’s Beavis and Butt-Head Comic book published by Marvel Comics.  His recent work consists of a series of Mad Magazine-style parodies of popular children’s books and films, such as Diary of a Stinky Dead Kid, Harry Potty and The Deathly Boring, breaking down (a Twilight Saga parody), Percy Jerkson and the Ovolactovegetarians, The Hunger Pains and The Farting Dead. Rick was also the artist of the Introductory Pages of Tales From The Crypt (2007-2009) and one of the artists of The Pekar Project, which brought original stories to the web by autobiographical comics writer Harvey Pekar of American Splendor. Rick Parker was the founder and one of the exhibiting artists of The Barking Dog Museum in New York City, which exhibited small-scale works of contemporary art to the public from 1975-1987.

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